Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year
We had fun celebrating our lab tradition of making Glühwein before the holidays. A great way of revisiting the past year in research and appreciating [...]
Desktop Site Content
News & Activities
We had fun celebrating our lab tradition of making Glühwein before the holidays. A great way of revisiting the past year in research and appreciating [...]
We are excited that our team was awarded funding from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative! We want to understand cognitive [...]
We’re excited that Dayana is joining our group as a postdoc to study cortical aberrations in Parkinson’s disease. Her curiosity about [...]
Dhruba’s farewell dinner was a great time to celebrate his success! He’s off to Hyderabad to return to his native India as a group leader. [...]
We are excited to move into the new Neuroscience Institute at 100 College Street! It is outstanding to be part of the vibrant neuroscience community [...]
Our new study reveals that human milk provides a key micronutrient to support the wiring of the infant brain. This work is published in the [...]
The diversity of synapse-organizing molecules opens up tremendous cooperative potential, yet the extent to which this is utilized is incompletely [...]
Are you interested in how bioactive dietary compounds impact brain functions? Our virtual Deep Dive workshop on September 29th will give answers, [...]
Our nutritional neuroscience research program in our additional lab site, located at the HNRCA in Boston, is moving forward. Erica is leading the [...]
This is the time for our lab tradition, Glühwein for the Holidays. While some of us were off to far-flung places (Boston, South Korea, …), the [...]
After completing her graduate research, Katie will bring her skills and interests in brain disorders to biotech! We wish you all the best for [...]
We are thrilled to receive funding from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) Initiative. Cognitive impairments affect most PD patients, and [...]
We are excited to celebrate Katie’s graduation and Ph.D. degree! She turned her curiosity about synapse biology into an exciting thesis work [...]
We are excited to establish our nutrition research group at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston, in addition to our [...]
The Yale Neuroscience Department and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience offer an exciting neuroscience seminar series for advanced postdocs. This [...]
The time of Zoom meetings since March 11 last year (16 months!) is finally over! Updated Yale rules and vaccinations now allow us to get together for [...]
Rose will be able to advance her interests in molecular neuroscience this summer! She received the competitive Yale College Summer Research Fellowship [...]
How does molecular recognition specify neuronal connectivity? Dhruba’s and Katie’s chapter gives a developmental perspective. Check it out [...]
The inaugural Intersections Science Fellows Symposium is coming up Jan 6-8, 2021! It features outstanding postdocs, including from backgrounds [...]
Lucas, who did his graduate research in our group and is now setting up his own lab at Cold Spring Harbor, will be on the Allen Institute’s Next [...]
Dhruba Chowdhury has joined our group as a postdoc and will bring in his focus on the molecular basis of synaptic function. Dhruba, we are excited to [...]
One of us is helping to aid the COVID-19 response and we are proud of her. Even though our lab meetings have gone virtual and work within the lab is [...]
Congratulations, Seth, on your PhD for your research on how micronutrients benefit synaptic connectivity! Your thesis results have real-world impact [...]
We have moved into our new lab space and are up and running. Truly superb how everyone organized this and worked together! Surrounded by boxes on the [...]
We have thrilling news! Our group is moving to Yale and we are excited to join our new neuroscience community. This will be fun. Outstanding [...]
Bea developed a lot, published great research, and was a backbone for the lab as research technician and lab manager. We are happy for you that you [...]
Many congratulations, Adema! It is outstanding that you will advance your research interests in sensory systems in the Department of Psychology at the [...]
Andrew has defended his thesis and we have a new Dr. Coleman. Andrew’s rigorous approach at the bench and in developing his project have paid [...]
Now that’s two reasons to celebrate! Maria decided to do her graduate studies with us and Cami will join as research technician. Wonderful news, [...]
Our applied studies of micronutrient effects on synapse development have resulted in the first exciting leads. Bea’s and Malik’s study of [...]
Congratulations, Adema, on your study that discovers a synaptic locus for closure of cortical critical periods! Truly great it is now published in [...]
The Biederer lab seeks a postdoc to study the dynamics of synapse organization and how synaptic properties are acutely controlled. This project uses [...]
We held our breath for the review of our joint grant application. Together with Tom Blanpied’s lab at the University of Maryland, we got a 1.0% [...]
One can’t get finer biochemistry than this, Tony. You mastered how to map the synaptic cleft using proximity labeling and your thorough work is [...]
We’ll miss you, Julia, as you are headed back to Germany to continue your medical studies. But we also needed to celebrate what a great [...]
Impressive, Julia! Your skills as experimentalist and your decision to develop a completely new line of research in our group allowed you to put [...]
Adema’s study on the synapse-selective control of cortical maturation and plasticity was selected for a talk at the SfN meeting in San Diego. [...]
We enjoyed a stimulating day at this year’s Neuroscience Symposium. Thanks to our speakers and the engaging audience!
We celebrated Andrew’s baby and had a great baby shower. Andrew, enjoy!
Julia treated us to a poetic lab holiday party, easily eclipsing the Glühwein that Thomas makes each year for the holidays. Her poem about our group [...]
Celebrating our new lab members Katie and Julia, we went for a lab outing. It’s great that Katie joins us for her graduate studies and to have Julia [...]
Join us on Thursday, May 11th for the 8th Annual Tufts Neuroscience Symposium and William Shucart Lecture. The day-long event features diverse [...]
On April 28, 2017, Karen Perez de Arce speaks at a panel discussion at The New York Academy of Sciences to be part of the group of scientists [...]
Congratulations, Adema Ribic, on receiving a poster prize at the Tufts University annual postdoc poster competition funded by the Tabrisky Research [...]
The renewal of our R01 on synapse organization by SynCAM 1 upon the first submission is a real reason to celebrate! Thanks to everyone in the lab for [...]
Andrew Coleman, that’s a smooth start into the new year. The paper showing that ER stress affects dendrite morphogenesis and that this pathway is [...]
Julia Bungenberg’s application for an MD Fellowship from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) was funded, supporting her research in our group on [...]
Hats off, Tony Cijsouw. It’s outstanding that your application to the Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Center Pilot Project Grant was selected for funding.
Congratulations to Kellie Park and Adema Ribic! Your great team effort got your paper “Excitatory synaptic drive and feedforward inhibition in [...]
Thomas Biederer’s application “Mapping and Restoring Synaptic Connectivity in Brain Disorders” is selected for a Scientific Innovations Award by the [...]
Exceptional work, Karen Perez de Arce! Your paper “Topographic mapping of the synaptic cleft into adhesive nanodomains” is now in press at [...]
Thomas Biederer receives an Initiative d’Excellence de l’Université de Bordeaux award to learn single particle tracking of synaptic adhesion molecules [...]
Karen Perez de Arce gives a talk at the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Axon Guidance, Synapse Formation, and Regeneration!
Congratulations to Lucas Cheadle! Your Ph.D. research is going great. Your second first-author paper “Activity-dependent regulation of dendritic [...]
Adema Ribic wins the American Society for Neurochemistry Young Investigator Award to present her talk on the roles on SynCAM 1 in the retina at the [...]
Congratulations to Adema Ribic for having her paper “Structural organization and function of mouse photoreceptor ribbon synapses involve the [...]
Congratulations! Adema Ribic wins the Knights Templar Eye Foundation Career-Starter Research Grant in Pediatric Ophthalmology for “Novel Targets [...]
Adema Ribic wins a stipend to attend the Cold Spring Harbor Vision course and give a talk on the roles of adhesion molecules in visual plasticity.
Mobile Site Content
News & Activities
We had fun celebrating our lab tradition of making Glühwein before the holidays. A great way of revisiting the past year in research and appreciating [...]
We are excited that our team was awarded funding from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative! We want to understand cognitive [...]
We’re excited that Dayana is joining our group as a postdoc to study cortical aberrations in Parkinson’s disease. Her curiosity about [...]
Dhruba’s farewell dinner was a great time to celebrate his success! He’s off to Hyderabad to return to his native India as a group leader. [...]
We are excited to move into the new Neuroscience Institute at 100 College Street! It is outstanding to be part of the vibrant neuroscience community [...]
Our new study reveals that human milk provides a key micronutrient to support the wiring of the infant brain. This work is published in the [...]
The diversity of synapse-organizing molecules opens up tremendous cooperative potential, yet the extent to which this is utilized is incompletely [...]
Are you interested in how bioactive dietary compounds impact brain functions? Our virtual Deep Dive workshop on September 29th will give answers, [...]
Our nutritional neuroscience research program in our additional lab site, located at the HNRCA in Boston, is moving forward. Erica is leading the [...]
This is the time for our lab tradition, Glühwein for the Holidays. While some of us were off to far-flung places (Boston, South Korea, …), the [...]
After completing her graduate research, Katie will bring her skills and interests in brain disorders to biotech! We wish you all the best for [...]
We are thrilled to receive funding from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) Initiative. Cognitive impairments affect most PD patients, and [...]
We are excited to celebrate Katie’s graduation and Ph.D. degree! She turned her curiosity about synapse biology into an exciting thesis work [...]
We are excited to establish our nutrition research group at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston, in addition to our [...]
The Yale Neuroscience Department and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience offer an exciting neuroscience seminar series for advanced postdocs. This [...]
The time of Zoom meetings since March 11 last year (16 months!) is finally over! Updated Yale rules and vaccinations now allow us to get together for [...]
Rose will be able to advance her interests in molecular neuroscience this summer! She received the competitive Yale College Summer Research Fellowship [...]
How does molecular recognition specify neuronal connectivity? Dhruba’s and Katie’s chapter gives a developmental perspective. Check it out [...]
The inaugural Intersections Science Fellows Symposium is coming up Jan 6-8, 2021! It features outstanding postdocs, including from backgrounds [...]
Lucas, who did his graduate research in our group and is now setting up his own lab at Cold Spring Harbor, will be on the Allen Institute’s Next [...]
Dhruba Chowdhury has joined our group as a postdoc and will bring in his focus on the molecular basis of synaptic function. Dhruba, we are excited to [...]
One of us is helping to aid the COVID-19 response and we are proud of her. Even though our lab meetings have gone virtual and work within the lab is [...]
Congratulations, Seth, on your PhD for your research on how micronutrients benefit synaptic connectivity! Your thesis results have real-world impact [...]
We have moved into our new lab space and are up and running. Truly superb how everyone organized this and worked together! Surrounded by boxes on the [...]
We have thrilling news! Our group is moving to Yale and we are excited to join our new neuroscience community. This will be fun. Outstanding [...]
Bea developed a lot, published great research, and was a backbone for the lab as research technician and lab manager. We are happy for you that you [...]
Many congratulations, Adema! It is outstanding that you will advance your research interests in sensory systems in the Department of Psychology at the [...]
Andrew has defended his thesis and we have a new Dr. Coleman. Andrew’s rigorous approach at the bench and in developing his project have paid [...]
Now that’s two reasons to celebrate! Maria decided to do her graduate studies with us and Cami will join as research technician. Wonderful news, [...]
Our applied studies of micronutrient effects on synapse development have resulted in the first exciting leads. Bea’s and Malik’s study of [...]
Congratulations, Adema, on your study that discovers a synaptic locus for closure of cortical critical periods! Truly great it is now published in [...]
The Biederer lab seeks a postdoc to study the dynamics of synapse organization and how synaptic properties are acutely controlled. This project uses [...]
We held our breath for the review of our joint grant application. Together with Tom Blanpied’s lab at the University of Maryland, we got a 1.0% [...]
One can’t get finer biochemistry than this, Tony. You mastered how to map the synaptic cleft using proximity labeling and your thorough work is [...]
We’ll miss you, Julia, as you are headed back to Germany to continue your medical studies. But we also needed to celebrate what a great [...]
Impressive, Julia! Your skills as experimentalist and your decision to develop a completely new line of research in our group allowed you to put [...]
Adema’s study on the synapse-selective control of cortical maturation and plasticity was selected for a talk at the SfN meeting in San Diego. [...]
We enjoyed a stimulating day at this year’s Neuroscience Symposium. Thanks to our speakers and the engaging audience!
We celebrated Andrew’s baby and had a great baby shower. Andrew, enjoy!
Julia treated us to a poetic lab holiday party, easily eclipsing the Glühwein that Thomas makes each year for the holidays. Her poem about our group [...]
Celebrating our new lab members Katie and Julia, we went for a lab outing. It’s great that Katie joins us for her graduate studies and to have Julia [...]
Join us on Thursday, May 11th for the 8th Annual Tufts Neuroscience Symposium and William Shucart Lecture. The day-long event features diverse [...]
On April 28, 2017, Karen Perez de Arce speaks at a panel discussion at The New York Academy of Sciences to be part of the group of scientists [...]
Congratulations, Adema Ribic, on receiving a poster prize at the Tufts University annual postdoc poster competition funded by the Tabrisky Research [...]
The renewal of our R01 on synapse organization by SynCAM 1 upon the first submission is a real reason to celebrate! Thanks to everyone in the lab for [...]
Andrew Coleman, that’s a smooth start into the new year. The paper showing that ER stress affects dendrite morphogenesis and that this pathway is [...]
Julia Bungenberg’s application for an MD Fellowship from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) was funded, supporting her research in our group on [...]
Hats off, Tony Cijsouw. It’s outstanding that your application to the Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Center Pilot Project Grant was selected for funding.
Congratulations to Kellie Park and Adema Ribic! Your great team effort got your paper “Excitatory synaptic drive and feedforward inhibition in [...]
Thomas Biederer’s application “Mapping and Restoring Synaptic Connectivity in Brain Disorders” is selected for a Scientific Innovations Award by the [...]
Exceptional work, Karen Perez de Arce! Your paper “Topographic mapping of the synaptic cleft into adhesive nanodomains” is now in press at [...]
Thomas Biederer receives an Initiative d’Excellence de l’Université de Bordeaux award to learn single particle tracking of synaptic adhesion molecules [...]
Karen Perez de Arce gives a talk at the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Axon Guidance, Synapse Formation, and Regeneration!
Congratulations to Lucas Cheadle! Your Ph.D. research is going great. Your second first-author paper “Activity-dependent regulation of dendritic [...]
Adema Ribic wins the American Society for Neurochemistry Young Investigator Award to present her talk on the roles on SynCAM 1 in the retina at the [...]
Congratulations to Adema Ribic for having her paper “Structural organization and function of mouse photoreceptor ribbon synapses involve the [...]
Congratulations! Adema Ribic wins the Knights Templar Eye Foundation Career-Starter Research Grant in Pediatric Ophthalmology for “Novel Targets [...]
Adema Ribic wins a stipend to attend the Cold Spring Harbor Vision course and give a talk on the roles of adhesion molecules in visual plasticity.
300 George Street, 8300B
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
Phone: (203) 737-3416
Website: biederer.org