Friedman School of Nutrition and Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA)
Neuroscience Lab
711 Washington St, room 828
Boston, MA 02111
Connect: PubMed
B.S., Exercise Science, Towson University, Towson, MD
Short Biography
After graduating from Towson University, I assisted with research in the Biomechatronics lab at MIT, working on minimizing disability through neural interfacing with lower and upper limb prostheses. In the Biederer Lab, I am interested in the relationship between nutrition and synaptic connectivity and structure through typical aging and neurodegenerative disease progression. Additionally, I hope to learn how these relationships are integrated in the nervous system as a whole. As as student in the Master’s program of the Friedman School of Nutrition, I will perform this research in the Biederer lab at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging in Boston.